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HistoryMay 31, 2023 - 3:24 p.m.

(RHSA-2023:3387) Moderate: Satellite 6.13.1 Async Security Update

red hat satellite
security update
cross-site scripting
navigation error
metadata issue
incremental update
gpg key
job status
db:seed failure
rhel 8.8

0.001 Low




Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution that allows organizations
to configure and maintain their systems without the necessity to provide
public Internet access to their servers or other client systems. It
performs provisioning and configuration management of predefined standard
operating environments.

Security fix(es):

foreman: Stored cross-site scripting in host tab(CVE-2023-0119)

This update fixes the following bugs:

2190469 - CVE-2023-0119 foreman: Stored cross-site scripting in host tab [rhn_satellite_6.13]
2190460 - Navigating to Capsules page on Satellite WebUI displays error “Pulp plugin missing for synchronizable content types: . Repositories containing these content types will not be synced.” for few seconds
2190470 - Host Detail button landed to old Host UI page
2190472 - wrong metadata if uploaded rpm have different name than name in rpm
2190473 - Getting “NoMethodError undefined method `get_status’ for nil:NilClass” when publishing content view
2190509 - Incremental update of the content view takes long time to complete
2190512 - Error importing repositories with GPG key
2190513 - Satellite showing errata from module streams not installed on client as upgradable/installable when content is imported (not synced)
2191657 - Importing Red Hat Repository Import on Disconnected Red Hat Satellite taking huge time around 5 hours
2191659 - Misleading job status in the new host UI when running jobs in bulk
2196242 - Upgrade to Satellite 6.13 fails on db:seed step with error GraphQL::InvalidNameError: Names must match /^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/ but ‘RHEL OpenStack Platform’ does not
2208642 - Support satellite-clone with Ansible running on Python 3.11 in RHEL 8.8

Users of Red Hat Satellite are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which fix these bugs.

0.001 Low


