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HistorySep 08, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.



8.4 High

AI Score



0.026 Low




2.460 PostgreSQL update with vulnerability fixes (CVE-2020-25695, CVE-2020-25694,CVE-2020-25696)

1. Vulnerability Description:

The CVE-2020-25695 vulnerability allows arbitrary SQL functions to be executed with administrator privileges with access to create persistent objects in any storage schema. CVE-2020-25694 - allows to rollback client connection to a less secure state. CVE-2020-25696 - the \gset command in psql allows overriding special variables and organizing code execution with psql process rights.Identifier of the Information Security Threats Data Bank of the FSTEC of Russia: BDU:2020-05465, BDU:2020-05467, BDU:2020-05466

2. Possible measures to eliminate the vulnerability

If an update cannot be performed, as a workaround to block the issue, you can disable autovacuum and not manually run ANALYZE, CLUSTER, REINDEX, CREATE INDEX, VACUUM FULL and REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW operations, as well as not perform database recovery based on the output of the pg_dump command. Executing VACUUM without the FULL option is recognized as safe, as is executing any commands when working with user-owned objects. Or update the postgresql package.**Installing updates is possible in the following ways:**a) If the computer with the installed OS version has access to the vendor’s official repository, you should run the update as administrator with the command:# yum updateAfter the list of updated packages is displayed, agree to apply updates by pressing the Y key on the keyboard. Wait until the update installation is complete and make sure that there are no errors during its installation.b)If the computer with the installed OS version does not have access to the vendor’s official repository, you should perform the following actions: - download the updated package (with dependencies if necessary): Check the integrity and authenticity of the package according to instructionsInstall the downloaded package(s) with the command:# yum localinstall *.rpmWhen the list of updated packages is displayed, agree to apply the updates by pressingY on the keyboard. Wait for the updates to finish installing and make sure there are no errors during the installation.

Date of last modification: 08.09.2021

redosunknown<= UNKNOWN