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HistoryOct 13, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-074 - Moderate Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2387149)


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Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-074 - Moderate
Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2387149)
Published: October 12, 2010

Version: 1.0
General Information
Executive Summary

This security update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if a user is logged on with administrative user rights and opens an application built with the MFC Library. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could obtain the same permissions as the currently logged-on user. If a user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker could take complete control of the affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.

This security update is rated Moderate for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the subsection, Affected and Non-Affected Software, in this section.

The security update addresses the vulnerability by adding additional checks to requests for Window title changes. For more information about the vulnerability, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) subsection for the specific vulnerability entry under the next section, Vulnerability Information.

Recommendation. The majority of customers have automatic updating enabled and will not need to take any action because this security update will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who have not enabled automatic updating need to check for updates and install this update manually. For information about specific configuration options in automatic updating, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 294871.

For administrators and enterprise installations, or end users who want to install this security update manually, Microsoft recommends that customers consider applying the security update using update management software, or by checking for updates using the Microsoft Update service.

See also the section, Detection and Deployment Tools and Guidance, later in this bulletin.

Known Issues. None
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Affected and Non-Affected Software

The following software have been tested to determine which versions or editions are affected. Other versions or editions are either past their support life cycle or are not affected. To determine the support life cycle for your software version or edition, visit Microsoft Support Lifecycle.

Affected Software
Operating System Maximum Security Impact Aggregate Severity Rating Bulletins Replaced by this Update

Windows XP Service Pack 3

Remote Code Execution



Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems

Remote Code Execution



Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows Vista x64 Edition Service Pack 1 and Windows Vista x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems and Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2**

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems and Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2**

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems and Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution



Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems

Remote Code Execution



Windows 7 for x64-based Systems

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems**

Remote Code Execution



Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems

Remote Code Execution



**Server Core installation not affected. The vulnerabilities addressed by this update do not affect supported editions of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 as indicated, when installed using the Server Core installation option. For more information on this installation option, see the TechNet articles, Managing a Server Core Installation and Servicing a Server Core Installation. Note that the Server Core installation option does not apply to certain editions of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2; see Compare Server Core Installation Options.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Related to This Security Update

Where are the file information details?
Refer to the reference tables in the Security Update Deployment section for the location of the file information details.

I am using an older release of the software discussed in this security bulletin. What should I do?
The affected software listed in this bulletin have been tested to determine which releases are affected. Other releases are past their support life cycle. For more information about the product lifecycle, visit the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Web site.

It should be a priority for customers who have older releases of the software to migrate to supported releases to prevent potential exposure to vulnerabilities. To determine the support lifecycle for your software release, see Select a Product for Lifecycle Information. For more information about service packs for these software releases, see Lifecycle Supported Service Packs.

Customers who require custom support for older software must contact their Microsoft account team representative, their Technical Account Manager, or the appropriate Microsoft partner representative for custom support options. Customers without an Alliance, Premier, or Authorized Contract can contact their local Microsoft sales office. For contact information, visit the Microsoft Worldwide Information Web site, select the country in the Contact Information list, and then click Go to see a list of telephone numbers. When you call, ask to speak with the local Premier Support sales manager. For more information, see the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy FAQ.
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Vulnerability Information

Severity Ratings and Vulnerability Identifiers

The following severity ratings assume the potential maximum impact of the vulnerability. For information regarding the likelihood, within 30 days of this security bulletin's release, of the exploitability of the vulnerability in relation to its severity rating and security impact, please see the Exploitability Index in the October bulletin summary. For more information, see Microsoft Exploitability Index.
Vulnerability Severity Rating and Maximum Security Impact by Affected Software
Affected Software Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3227 Aggregate Severity Rating

Windows XP Service Pack 3

Remote Code Execution


Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems

Remote Code Execution


Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows Vista x64 Edition Service Pack 1 and Windows Vista x64 Edition Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems and Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2**

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems and Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2**

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems and Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 2

Remote Code Execution


Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems

Remote Code Execution


Windows 7 for x64-based Systems

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems**

Remote Code Execution


Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems

Remote Code Execution


**Server Core installation not affected. The vulnerabilities addressed by this update do not affect supported editions of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 as indicated, when installed using the Server Core installation option. For more information on this installation option, see the TechNet articles, Managing a Server Core Installation and Servicing a Server Core Installation. Note that the Server Core installation option does not apply to certain editions of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2; see Compare Server Core Installation Options.
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Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3227

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that window titles are managed in applications written using the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library. While the vulnerability is located in MFC and is present on affected operating systems, it can only be exploited if a remote attacker can influence the window title of any window in an MFC application. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could run arbitrary code in the security context of the current user.

To view this vulnerability as a standard entry in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list, see CVE-2010-3227.

Mitigating Factors for Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3227

Microsoft has not identified any mitigating factors for this vulnerability.
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Workarounds for Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3227

Microsoft has not identified any workarounds for this vulnerability.
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FAQ for Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3227

What is the scope of the vulnerability?
This vulnerability is a remote code execution vulnerability in the security context of the currently logged-on user.

What causes the vulnerability?
The vulnerability is caused by the way that MFC handles application requests to rename window titles.

What is the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library?
The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library is an application framework for programming in Microsoft Windows. Written in C++, MFC provides much of the code necessary performing standard operations such as managing windows, menus, and dialog boxes; performing basic input/output, or storing collections of data objects.

Will I be offered this update even if I have no suitable attack vectors on my system?
Yes, this update will be offered to all systems running software as outlined in the Affected Software section. If no MFC applications are currently installed on a system, Microsoft recommends that users install this update as a Defense in Depth measure, in case of an attack vector being introduced or becoming known at a later time.

Are there any Microsoft applications that can be used as an attack vector?
Microsoft has carefully researched all applications but found no Microsoft applications that could be successfully used as an attack vector.

Is Microsoft aware of any third-party MFC applications that can be used as an attack vector?
Yes. Microsoft is aware of one third-party application that can be used as an attack vector. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability using this third-party attack vector would require a user to open a specially crafted file with the MFC application, then double click a folder inside the MFC application.

I have written an application using Microsoft Foundation Classes. Can my application be used as an attack vector?
Your application may be an attack vector if all of the following conditions are true:

Your application makes use of the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library

Your application sets window titles based on information that can be controlled by a remote user

Note Microsoft recommends that MFC applications dynamically link to versions of MFC shipped with Windows. If your application ships a vulnerable version of MFC and statically links to it, we highly recommend you update your application to dynamically link to a version of MFC shipping with Windows.

What might an attacker use the vulnerability to do?
An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could obtain the same permissions as the currently logged-on user. If a user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker could take complete control of the affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.

How could an attacker exploit the vulnerability?
In order to successfully exploit this vulnerability, the target system would need to have an MFC application installed that can be used as an attack vector. MFC applications that could be used as an attack vector would need to provide a way for a remote user to influence windows titles within the MFC application. Examples could be a window title change based on the content of a file opened with the MFC application, or maybe a window title change based on network input such as in a chat application or a web browser. Depending on the specific attack vector, an attacker might need to persuade a user to open a specially crafted file with a specific MFC application installed on the user's system, and carry out specific actions. In a different attack vector, such as a chat application, it might be sufficient for the attacker to change the name of a chat room, or use a specially crafted handle while contacting the user.

What systems are primarily at risk from the vulnerability?
Workstations and terminal servers are primarily at risk if MFC applications are installed that allow a remote user to influence window titles inside the MFC application. Servers could be at more risk if administrators allow users to log on to servers and to run such MFC programs. However, best practices strongly discourage allowing this.

What does the update do?
The update addresses the vulnerability by adding additional checks to requests for Window title changes.

When this security bulletin was issued, had this vulnerability been publicly disclosed?
Yes. This vulnerability has been publicly disclosed. It has been assigned Common Vulnerability and Exposure number CVE-2010-3227.

When this security bulletin was issued, had Microsoft received any reports that this vulnerability was being exploited?
No. Microsoft had not received any information to indicate that this vulnerability had been publicly used to attack customers when this security bulletin was originally issued.

Other Information

Microsoft thanks the following for working with us to help protect customers:

Carsten H. Eiram of Secunia for working with us on the Windows MFC Document Title Updating Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2010-3227)
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Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP)

To improve security protections for customers, Microsoft provides vulnerability information to major security software providers in advance of each monthly security update release. Security software providers can then use this vulnerability information to provide updated protections to customers via their security software or devices, such as antivirus, network-based intrusion detection systems, or host-based intrusion prevention systems. To determine whether active protections are available from security software providers, please visit the active protections Web sites provided by program partners, listed in Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) Partners.


Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from Security Support or 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no charge for support calls that are associated with security updates. For more information about available support options, see Microsoft Help and Support.

International customers can receive support from their local Microsoft subsidiaries. There is no charge for support that is associated with security updates. For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support issues, visit the International Support Web site.


The information provided in the Microsoft Knowledge Base is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Microsoft disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Microsoft Corporation or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if Microsoft Corporation or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply.


V1.0 (October 12, 2010): Bulletin published.

0.813 High




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