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HistoryJul 23, 2003 - 12:00 a.m.

[Full-Disclosure] R7-0015: Multiple Vulnerabilities Apple QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server


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                 Rapid7, Inc. Security Advisory
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Rapid7 Advisory R7-0015
Multiple Vulnerabilities Apple QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server

Published: July 22, 2003
Revision: 1.0

CVE: CAN-2003-0421, CAN-2003-0422, CAN-2003-0423, CAN-2003-0424,
CAN-2003-0425, CAN-2003-0426, CAN-2003-0502

  1. Affected system(s):

    o QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3 for MacOS X
    o QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3 for Win32
    o QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3 for Linux

    o other platforms (Solaris)

  2. Summary

    Several vulnerabilities have been found in the Apple
    QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server, including denial of service,
    web root traversal, and script source disclosure.

  3. Vendor status and information


    The vendor has been notified and has released fixes for all but
    one of the issues, which is currently under investigation.

  4. Solution

    Upgrade to version 4.1.3g or later of Darwin Streaming Server,
    which may be obtained as a free download from:

    Please see the next section for detailed fix information.

  5. Detailed analysis

    There are several vulnerabilities.

    Denial of Service by HTTP Request for DOS Device Name
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0421
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3e and earlier (Win32 only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3f (Win32)

    Requesting a DOS device name (e.g. AUX) over HTTP (port 1220)
    will cause a denial of service on the server. An initial
    HTTP 404 response will be returned for the device request,
    but future requests will not be serviced. For example:

    ==> GET /AUX HTTP/1.0

    Denial of Service by Request for …/ DOS Device Name
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0502
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3f and earlier (Win32 only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3g (Win32)

    This is a variant of CAN-2003-0421. A fix for CAN-2003-0421
    was included in Streaming Server version, 4.1.3f, but further
    testing revealed that it was vulnerable to a variant where
    the device name was prefixed by dotdot slash (…/), as in:

    ==> GET /…/AUX HTTP/1.0

    Denial of Service by HTTP Request for /view_broadcast.cgi Script
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0422
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3e and earlier (Win32 only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3f (Win32)

    Requesting the /view_broadcast.cgi script over HTTP (port 1220)
    will cause a denial of service on the server if the required
    request parameters are not sent. The connection will be
    closed midway through servicing the request and no new
    connections will be allowed to the server.


    ==> GET /view_broadcast.cgi HTTP/1.0

    <== HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    <== Content-Type: video/quicktime
    <== rtsp://
    ^^ server drops connection

    Source Disclosure via HTTP Request for /parse_xml.cgi Script
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0423
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3g and earlier
    Fixed: No fix is available at this time. Apple is aware of
    this issue and they are investigating it further.

    The source code of any file within the web root can be obtained
    by issuing a request for /parse_xml.cgi?filename=[file], where
    [file] is the file whose source code you wish to view.

    This is only a serious risk if the administrator has installed
    custom scripts on Darwin Streaming Server that need to be

    Script Source Disclosure by Appending Special Characters
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0424
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3e and earlier (Win32 only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3f (Win32)

    The source code of any script can be obtained by appending the
    special characters %2e (period) or %20 (space) to an HTTP request
    for that script. For example, requesting /view_broadcast.cgi%2e
    will reveal the source code for that script.

    Web Root Traversal and Arbitrary File Disclosure (Win32)
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0425
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3e and earlier (Win32 only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3f (Win32)

    Any file on the system can be retrieved by using three dots
    to break out of the web root. For example, requesting
    /…/qtusers will return the QuickTime user/password file.

    Default Install Allows Remote User to Set Admin Password
    CVE ID: CAN-2003-0426
    Affects: Darwin Streaming Server v4.1.3e and earlier (Mac OS X only)
    Fixed: In version 4.1.3f (Mac OS X)

    When Darwin Streaming Server is first installed, the
    HTTP-based administration server (typically port 1220)
    presents a "Setup Assistant" page where the user is prompted
    to set a new administrator password. This would allow any
    remote user to connect and set up an administrator password
    before the server administrator has had a chance to do so.

  6. Contact Information

    Rapid7 Security Advisories
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +1 (212) 558-8700

  7. Disclaimer and Copyright

    Rapid7, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse of the information
    provided in our security advisories. These advisories are a service
    to the professional security community. There are NO WARRANTIES
    with regard to this information. Any application or distribution of
    this information constitutes acceptance AS IS, at the user's own
    risk. This information is subject to change without notice.

    This advisory Copyright (C) 2003 Rapid7, Inc. Permission is
    hereby granted to redistribute this advisory, providing that no
    changes are made and that the copyright notices and disclaimers
    remain intact.

Version: PGP 8.0


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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