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HistoryMar 24, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

R7-0018: OpenBSD isakmpd payload handling denial-of-service vulnerabilities






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                 Rapid7, Inc. Security Advisory
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Rapid7 Advisory R7-0018
OpenBSD isakmpd payload handling denial-of-service vulnerabilities

Published: March 23, 2004
Revision: 1.0

CVE: CAN-2004-0218, CAN-2004-0219, CAN-2004-0220, CAN-2004-0221,

  1. Affected system(s):

    o OpenBSD 3.4 and earlier
    o OpenBSD-current as of March 17, 2004

  2. Summary

    The ISAKMP packet processing functions in OpenBSD's isakmpd
    daemon contain multiple payload handling flaws that allow
    a remote attacker to launch a denial of service attack
    against the daemon.

    Carefully crafted ISAKMP packets will cause the isakmpd daemon
    to attempt out-of-bounds reads, exhaust available memory, or
    loop endlessly (consuming 100% of the CPU).

  3. Vendor status and information


    OpenBSD has been notified of the issues and they have provided
    source code patches to fix the problems for -current, 3.4-stable,
    and 3.3-stable. See for
    more information.

    The isakmpd daemon in the upcoming OpenBSD 3.5 release will be
    privilege-separated, which greatly lessens the risk of any
    future vulnerabilities that may be found.

  4. Solution

    Update and rebuild the isakmpd daemon:

    cd /usr/src/sbin/isakmpd
    cvs update -dP
    make clean && make obj && make && sudo make install

    You can also apply the appropriate patches from instead of using CVS.

  5. Detailed analysis

    To test the security and robustness of IPSEC implementations
    from multiple vendors, the security research team at Rapid7
    has designed the Striker ISAKMP Protocol Test Suite. Striker
    is an ISAKMP packet generation tool that automatically produces
    and sends invalid and/or atypical ISAKMP packets.

    This advisory is the first in a series of vulnerability
    disclosures discovered with the Striker test suite. Striker
    will be made available to qualified IPSEC vendors. Please
    email [email protected] for more information on obtaining

    OpenBSD's isakmpd daemon performs insufficient validation on
    payload lengths and payload field lengths before attempting to
    read the fields. This results in out-of-bounds reads in several

    Denial of service by 0-length ISAKMP payload
    CVE ID: CAN-2004-0218

    An ISAKMP packet with a malformed payload having a self-reported
    payload length of zero will cause isakmpd to enter an infinite
    loop, parsing the same payload over and over again.

    This issue is similar to CAN-2003-0989, which affected TCPDUMP.

    Denial of service by various malformed ISAKMP IPSEC SA payload
    CVE ID: CAN-2004-0219

    An ISAKMP packet with a malformed IPSEC SA payload will
    cause isakmpd to read out of bounds and crash.

    Denial of service by malformed ISAKMP Cert Request payload
    CVE ID: CAN-2004-0220

    An ISAKMP packet with a malformed Cert Request payload
    will cause an integer underflow, resulting in a failed
    malloc of a huge amount of memory.

    Denial of service by malformed ISAKMP Delete payload
    CVE ID: CAN-2004-0221

    An ISAKMP packet with a malformed delete payload having
    a large number of SPIs will cause isakmpd to read out of
    bounds and crash.

    Denial of service by various memory leaks
    CVE ID: CAN-2004-0222

    Various memory leaks in packet processing can be triggered
    by a remote attacker until all available memory is exhausted,
    resulting in eventual termination of the daemon.

  6. Contact Information

    Rapid7 Security Advisories
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +1 (617) 603-0700

  7. Disclaimer and Copyright

    Rapid7, LLC is not responsible for the misuse of the information
    provided in our security advisories. These advisories are a service
    to the professional security community. There are NO WARRANTIES
    with regard to this information. Any application or distribution of
    this information constitutes acceptance AS IS, at the user's own
    risk. This information is subject to change without notice.

    This advisory Copyright (C) 2004 Rapid7, LLC. Permission is
    hereby granted to redistribute this advisory, providing that no
    changes are made and that the copyright notices and disclaimers
    remain intact.
    Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (OpenBSD)
