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HistoryJan 30, 2005 - 12:00 a.m.

SquirrelMail Security Advisory






SquirrelMail Security Advisory

SquirrelMail 1.4.4 has been released to resolve a
number of security
issues disclosed below. It is strongly recommended
that all running
SquirrelMail prior to 1.4.4 upgrade to the latest

Remote File Inclusion

Manoel Zaninetti reported an issue in src/webmail.php
which would allow a
crafted URL to include a remote web page. This was
assigned CAN-2005-0103
by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

Cross Site Scripting Issues

A possible cross site scripting issue exists in
src/webmail.php that is
only accessible when the PHP installation is running
with register_globals
set to On. This issue was uncovered internally by the
Development team. This isssue was assigned
CAN-2005-0104 by the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

A second issue which was resolved in the 1.4.4-rc1
release was uncovered
and assigned CAN-2004-1036 by the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
This issue could allow a remote user to send a
specially crafted header
and cause execution of script (such as javascript) in
the client browser.

Local File Inclusion

A possible local file inclusion issue was uncovered by
one of our
developers involving custom preference handlers. This
issue is only
active if the PHP installation is running with
register_globals set to On.

It is strongly suggested that all users running
SquirrelMail prior to
1.4.4 upgrade to the latest release. Those using a
development release,
should upgrade to the latest snapshots to ensure they
have the latest
updates for these issues. A full list of changes in
this, and previous
releases can be found here

For further updates on security issues, details are
posted to Any security
issues should be
emailed to [email protected].

We'd like to express thanks for those that have worked
with us on getting
security issues resolved with SquirrelMail, and hope
that people continue
to do so in such fashion, it is much appreciated.

Jonathan Angliss
SquirrelMail Development Team



