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HistorySep 06, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Hewlett-Packard UCMDB - JMX-Console Authentication Bypass


0.936 High




<p>CVE-ID: CVE-2014-7883<br></p><p>Affected versions: UCMDB 10.10 (Other versions might also be affected) <br></p><p>The HP Universal CMDB (UCMDB) automatically collects and manages accurate and</p><p>current business service definitions, associated infrastructure relationships and</p><p>detailed information on the assets, and is a central component in many of the key processes in your</p><p>IT organization, such as change management, asset management, service management, and business</p><p>service management. The UCMDB ensures that these processes can rely on comprehensive and</p><p>true data for all business services. Together with HP UCMDB Configuration Manager</p><p>(UCMDB-CM) you can standardize your IT environments, and make sure they comply with clear</p><p>policies, and defined authorization process.</p><p>Many IT organizations turn to a CMDB and configuration management processes to create a</p><p>shared single version of truth to support business service management, IT service management,</p><p>change management, and asset management initiatives. These initiatives help align IT efforts</p><p>with business requirements and run IT operations more efficiently and effectively.</p><p>The initiatives success depends on the CMDB providing a complete view into the</p><p>configuration items (CIs) and assets as well as how various IT elements relate together to deliver</p><p>the business service.</p>

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