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HistoryAug 29, 2011 - 8:08 p.m.

MozillaThunderbird: Update to 3.1.12 (important)






Mozilla Thunderbird was updated to 3.1.12 fixing various
bugs and security issues:

Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2011-32 (MFSA 2011-32)
<a href=“”></a>

Many of the issues listed below are not exploitable through
mail since JavaScript is disabled by default in
Thunderbird. These particular issues may be triggered while
viewing RSS feeds and displaying full remote content rather
than the feed summary. Addons that expose browser
functionality may also enable such issues to be exploited.

  • Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

Mozilla developers and community members identified and
fixed several memory safety bugs in the browser engine used
in Thunderbird 3.1 and other Mozilla-based products. Some
of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption under
certain circumstances, and we presume that with enough
effort at least some of these could be exploited to run
arbitrary code.

Gary Kwong, Igor Bukanov, Nils and Bob Clary reported
memory safety issues which affected Thunderbird 3.1.

  • Crash in SVGTextElement.getCharNumAtPosition()

Security researcher regenrecht reported via
TippingPoint’s Zero Day Initiative that a SVG text
manipulation routine contained a dangling pointer
vulnerability. (CVE-2011-0084)

  • Privilege escalation using event handlers

Mozilla security researcher moz_bug_r_a_4 reported a
vulnerability in event management code that would permit
JavaScript to be run in the wrong context, including that
of a different website or potentially in a
chrome-privileged context. (CVE-2011-2981)

  • Dangling pointer vulnerability in appendChild

Security researcher regenrecht reported via
TippingPoint’s Zero Day Initiative that appendChild did not
correctly account for DOM objects it operated upon and
could be exploited to dereference an invalid pointer.

  • Privilege escalation dropping a tab element in content

Mozilla security researcher moz_bug_r_a4 reported that
web content could receive chrome privileges if it
registered for drop events and a browser tab element was
dropped into the content area. (CVE-2011-2984)

  • Binary planting vulnerability in ThinkPadSensor::Startup

Security researcher Mitja Kolsek of Acros Security
reported that ThinkPadSensor::Startup could potentially be
exploited to load a malicious DLL into the running process.

  • Private data leakage using RegExp.input

Security researcher shutdown reported that data from
other domains could be read when RegExp.input was set.