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HistoryJan 27, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Security update for chromium (important)


0.004 Low




An update that fixes 26 vulnerabilities is now available.


This update for chromium fixes the following issues:

Chromium was updated to 88.0.4324.96 boo#1181137

  • CVE-2021-21117: Insufficient policy enforcement in Cryptohome
  • CVE-2021-21118: Insufficient data validation in V8
  • CVE-2021-21119: Use after free in Media
  • CVE-2021-21120: Use after free in WebSQL
  • CVE-2021-21121: Use after free in Omnibox
  • CVE-2021-21122: Use after free in Blink
  • CVE-2021-21123: Insufficient data validation in File System API
  • CVE-2021-21124: Potential user after free in Speech Recognizer
  • CVE-2021-21125: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API
  • CVE-2020-16044: Use after free in WebRTC
  • CVE-2021-21126: Insufficient policy enforcement in extensions
  • CVE-2021-21127: Insufficient policy enforcement in extensions
  • CVE-2021-21128: Heap buffer overflow in Blink
  • CVE-2021-21129: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API
  • CVE-2021-21130: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API
  • CVE-2021-21131: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API
  • CVE-2021-21132: Inappropriate implementation in DevTools
  • CVE-2021-21133: Insufficient policy enforcement in Downloads
  • CVE-2021-21134: Incorrect security UI in Page Info
  • CVE-2021-21135: Inappropriate implementation in Performance API
  • CVE-2021-21136: Insufficient policy enforcement in WebView
  • CVE-2021-21137: Inappropriate implementation in DevTools
  • CVE-2021-21138: Use after free in DevTools
  • CVE-2021-21139: Inappropriate implementation in iframe sandbox
  • CVE-2021-21140: Uninitialized Use in USB
  • CVE-2021-21141: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API

This update was imported from the openSUSE:Leap:15.1:Update update project.

Patch Instructions:

To install this openSUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
like YaST online_update or “zypper patch”.

Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  • openSUSE Backports SLE-15-SP1:

    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2021-177=1