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HistoryMay 27, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Security update for varnish (important)

security update
denial of service





An update that solves two vulnerabilities and has one
errata is now available.


This update for varnish fixes the following issues:

varnish was updated to release 7.1.0 [boo#1195188] [CVE-2022-23959]

  • VCL: It is now possible to assign a BLOB value to a BODY variable, in
    addition to STRING as before.
  • VMOD: New STRING strftime(TIME time, STRING format) function for UTC

Update to release 6.6.1

  • CVE-2021-36740: Fix an HTTP/2.0 request smuggling vulnerability.

Update to release 6.6.0:

  • The ban_cutoff parameter now refers to the overall length of the ban
    list, including completed bans, where before only non-completed
    (οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½activeοΏ½οΏ½οΏ½) bans were counted towards ban_cutoff.
  • Body bytes accounting has been fixed to always represent the number of
    body bytes moved on the wire, exclusive of protocol-specific overhead
    like HTTP/1 chunked encoding or HTTP/2 framing.
  • The connection close reason has been fixed to properly report
    SC_RESP_CLOSE where previously only SC_REQ_CLOSE was reported.
  • Unless the new validate_headers feature is disabled, all newly set
    headers are now validated to contain only characters allowed by RFC7230.
  • The filter_re, keep_re and get_re functions from the bundled cookie vmod
    have been changed to take the VCL_REGEX type. This implies that their
    regular expression arguments now need to be literal, not e.g. string.
  • The interface for private pointers in VMODs has been changed, the VRT
    backend interface has been changed, many filter (VDP/VFP) related
    signatures have been changed, and the stevedore API has been changed.
    (Details thereto, see online changelog.)

Update to release 6.5.1

  • Bump the VRT_MAJOR_VERSION number defined in the vrt.h

Update to release 6.5.0

  • PRIV_TOP is now thread-safe to support parallel ESI implementations.
  • varnishstat’s JSON output format (-j option) has been changed.
  • Behavior for 304-type responses was changed not to update the
    Content-Encoding response header of the stored object.
  • Update Git-Web repository link

Update to release 6.4.0

  • The MAIN.sess_drop counter is gone.
  • backend β€œnone” was added for β€œno backend”.
  • The hash algorithm of the hash director was changed, so backend
    selection will change once only when upgrading.
  • It is now possible for VMOD authors to customize the connection pooling
    of a dynamic backend.
  • For more, see changes.rst.

Update to release 6.3.2

  • Fix a denial of service vulnerability when using the proxy protocol
    version 2.

Update to release 6.3.0

  • The Host: header is folded to lower-case in the builtin_vcl.
  • Improved performance of shared memory statistics counters.
  • Synthetic objects created from vcl_backend_error {} now replace existing
    stale objects as ordinary backend fetches would (for details see

Patch Instructions:

To install this openSUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
like YaST online_update or β€œzypper patch”.

Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  • openSUSE Backports SLE-15-SP3:

    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2022-148=1