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HistoryFeb 27, 2017 - 6:08 p.m.

Security update for php53 (important)


0.582 Medium




This update for php53 fixes the following security issues:

  • CVE-2016-7478: When unserializing untrusted input data, PHP could end up
    in an infinite loop, causing denial of service (bsc#1019550)
  • CVE-2016-10158: The exif_convert_any_to_int function in ext/exif/exif.c
    in PHP allowed remote attackers to cause a denial of service
    (application crash) via crafted EXIF data that triggers an attempt to
    divide the minimum representable negative integer by -1. (bsc#1022219)
  • CVE-2016-10159: Integer overflow in the phar_parse_pharfile function in
    ext/phar/phar.c in PHP allowed remote attackers to cause a denial
    of service (memory consumption or application crash) via a truncated
    manifest entry in a PHAR archive. (bsc#1022255)
  • CVE-2016-10160: Off-by-one error in the phar_parse_pharfile function in
    ext/phar/phar.c in PHP allowed remote attackers to cause a denial
    of service (memory corruption) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a
    crafted PHAR archive with an alias mismatch. (bsc#1022257)
  • CVE-2016-10161: The object_common1 function in
    ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP allowed remote attackers to cause
    a denial of service (buffer over-read and application crash) via crafted
    serialized data that is mishandled in a finish_nested_data call.
  • CVE-2016-10166: A potential unsigned underflow in gd interpolation
    functions could lead to memory corruption in the PHP gd module
  • CVE-2016-10167: A denial of service problem in gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx()
    could lead to php out of memory even on small files. (bsc#1022264)
  • CVE-2016-10168: A signed integer overflow in the gd module could lead to
    memory corruption (bsc#1022265)