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symantecSymantec Security ResponseSMNTC-110866
HistoryNov 12, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Siemens Desigo PX CVE-2019-13927 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Symantec Security Response






Siemens Desigo PX is prone to denial of service vulnerability Remote attackers may exploit this issue to cause denial-of-service conditions.

Technologies Affected

  • Siemens Desigo PX PXA40-W0
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXA40-W1
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXA40-W2
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC00-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC00-U
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC100-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC128-U
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC200-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC22.1-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC36-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC36.1-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC50-E.D
  • Siemens Desigo PX PXC64-U


Run all software as a nonprivileged user with minimal access rights.
To reduce the impact of latent vulnerabilities, run the application with the minimal amount of privileges required for functionality.

Deploy network intrusion detection systems to monitor network traffic for malicious activity.
Deploy NIDS to monitor network traffic for signs of anomalous or suspicious activity including unexplained incoming and outgoing traffic. This may indicate exploit attempts or activity that results from successful exploits.

Do not accept or execute files from untrusted or unknown sources.
To reduce the likelihood of successful exploits, never handle files that originate from unfamiliar or untrusted sources.

Do not follow links provided by unknown or untrusted sources.
To reduce the likelihood of attacks, never visit sites of questionable integrity or follow links provided by unfamiliar or untrusted sources.

Updates are available. Please see the references or vendor advisory for more information.