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talosTalos IntelligenceTALOS-2019-0896
HistoryMar 25, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

3S CODESYS control authentication hard-coded encryption key vulnerability

Talos Intelligence

0.002 Low




Talos Vulnerability Report


3S CODESYS control authentication hard-coded encryption key vulnerability

March 25, 2020
CVE Number



A hard-coded encryption key vulnerability exists in the authentication functionality of 3S CODESYS Control, version An attacker with access to communications between CoDeSyS Gateway and the end CoDeSyS device can trivially recover the password of any user attempting to log in with plain text.

Tested Versions

3S CODESYS Control

Product URLs


CVSSv3 Score

6.2 - CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N


CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm


3S-Smart Software Solutions CODESYS is licensed to vendors who are creating PLCs, or can be purchased directly from 3S-Smart Software Solutions for directly supported platforms. This software is used to turn any device into a soft PLC. The wide range of support allows easy adoption for industrial applications, being able to run on Windows, Linux, or even bare metal.

The hard-coded 32-byte key is used to XOR the plaintext password, with a 4 byte challenge that is incorrectly implemented. This four-byte challenge is included in all authentication packets, and due to a coding error, is reduced to a single byte perturbance every four bytes within the password. Any authentication packet that is captured can easily be used to recover the plaintext password of the user.

000888a8  54c70be3   movw    r12, #0xb754
000888ac  1cc040e3   movt    r12, #0x1c
000888b0  48e04be2   sub     lr, r11, #0x48 {var_4c}
000888b4  0f00bce8   ldm     r12!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}  {data_1cb754, "zeDR96EfU#27vuph7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x5244657a}  {data_1cb754[4], "96EfU#27vuph7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x66453639}  {data_1cb754[8], "U#27vuph7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x37322355}  {data_1cb754[0xc], "vuph7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x68707576}  {data_1cb754[0x10], "7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}
000888b8  0f00aee8   stm     lr!, {r0, r1, r2, r3} {var_4c_1} {var_48_1} {var_44_1} {var_40_1} {var_3c} {var_3c}  {0x5244657a}  {0x66453639}  {0x37322355}  {0x68707576}
000888bc  0f00bce8   ldm     r12!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}  {data_1cb754[0x10], "7Thub?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x75685437}  {data_1cb754[0x14], "b?phaDr*rUbR"}  {0x68703f62}  {data_1cb754[0x18], "aDr*rUbR"}  {0x2a724461}  {data_1cb754[0x1c], "rUbR"}  {0x52625572}  {data_1cb754[0x20], ""}  {data_1cb754[0x20], ""}
000888c0  00c09ce5   ldr     r12, [r12]  {data_1cb754[0x20], ""}
000888c4  0f00aee8   stm     lr!, {r0, r1, r2, r3} {var_3c_1} {var_38_1} {var_34_1} {var_30_1} {var_2c} {var_2c}  {0x75685437}  {0x68703f62}  {0x2a724461}  {0x52625572}
000888c8  0400a0e1   mov     r0, r4
000888cc  00c0cee5   strb    r12, [lr] {var_2c_1}  {0x0}
000888d0  fac2feeb   bl      strlen
000888d4  018080e2   add     r8, r0, #0x1
000888d8  1f0058e3   cmp     r8, #0x1f
000888dc  2080a0d3   movle   r8, #0x20
000888e0  020000da   ble     0x888f0
00088940  24104be2   sub     r1, r11, #0x24 {__saved_r4}
00088944  013083e2   add     r3, r3, #0x1
00088948  021081e0   add     r1, r1, r2 {__saved_r4}
0008894c  012082e2   add     r2, r2, #0x1
00088950  200052e3   cmp     r2, #0x20
00088954  d100d4e0   ldrsb   r0, [r4],  #0x1
00088958  241051e5   ldrb    r1, [r1,  #-0x24]
0008895c  24e04be2   sub     lr, r11, #0x24 {__saved_r4}
00088960  0020a003   moveq   r2, #0
00088964  040053e3   cmp     r3, #0x4
00088968  066081e0   add     r6, r1, r6
0008896c  0030a003   moveq   r3, #0
00088970  04005ce1   cmp     r12, r4
00088974  006026e0   eor     r6, r6, r0
00088978  03e08ee0   add     lr, lr, r3 {__saved_r4}
0008897c  0160e5e5   strb    r6, [r5,  #0x1]!
00088980  edffff1a   bne     0x8893c


2019-09-19 - Initial contact
2019-09-23 - Vendor Disclosure
2020-03-25 - Vendor Patched; Public Release


Discovered by Carl Hurd of Cisco Talos.

Vulnerability Reports Next Report


Previous Report


0.002 Low




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