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HistoryJan 28, 2020 - 4:36 p.m.

New 'CacheOut' Attack Leaks Data from Intel CPUs, VMs and SGX Enclave

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intel processor speculative execution vulnerability

Another month, another speculative execution vulnerability found in Intel processors.

If your computer is running any modern Intel CPU built before October 2018, itโ€™s likely vulnerable to a newly discovered hardware issue that could allow attackers to leak sensitive data from the OS kernel, co-resident virtual machines, and even from Intelโ€™s secured SGX enclave.

Dubbed CacheOut a.k.a. L1 Data Eviction Sampling (L1DES) and assignedCVE-2020-0549, the new microarchitectural attack allows an attacker to choose which data to leak from the CPUโ€™s L1 Cache, unlike previously demonstrated MDS attacks where attackers need to wait for the targeted data to be available.

According to a team of academic researchers, the newly-discovered speculative execution attacks can leak information across multiple security boundaries, including those between hyper-threads, virtual machines, and processes, and between user space and the operating system kernel, and from SGX enclaves.

โ€œCacheOut can leak information from other processes running on the same thread, or across threads on the same CPU core,โ€ the researchers said. โ€œCacheOut violates the operating systemโ€™s privacy by extracting information from it that facilitates other attacks, such as buffer overflow attacks.โ€

More precisely, the attack enables a malicious program to force the victimโ€™s data out of the L1-D Cache into leaky buffers after the operating system clears them, and then subsequently leak the contents of the buffers and obtain the victimโ€™s data.

intel processors

Researchers at the universities of Adelaide and Michigan demonstrated:

  • the effectiveness of CacheOut in violating process isolation by recovering AES keys and plaintexts from an OpenSSL-based victim,
  • practical exploits for completely de-randomizing Linuxโ€™s kernel ASLR, and for recovering secret stack canaries from the Linux kernel,
  • how CacheOut effectively violates the isolation between two virtual machines running on the same physical core,
  • how CacheOut could also be used to breach the confidentiality SGX guarantees by reading out the contents of a secure enclave,
  • how some of the latest Meltdown-resistant Intel CPUs are still vulnerable, despite all of the most recent patches and mitigations.

Besides this, according to researchers, itโ€™s currently unlikely for Antivirus products to detect and block CacheOut attacks, and since the exploit does not leave any traces in the traditional log file, itโ€™s also โ€œvery unlikelyโ€ to identify whether someone has exploited the flaw or not.

To be noted, CacheOut flaw canโ€™t be exploited remotely from a web browser and also doesnโ€™t affect AMD processors.

Based on researchers findings, Intel yesterday released new microcode updates for affected processors that eventually turns off Transactional Memory Extension (TSX) on the CPUs.

โ€œSoftware [update] can mitigate these issues at the cost of features and/or performance. We hope that somewhere in the future, Intel will release processors with in-silicon fixes against this issue,โ€ the researchers said.

Though most cloud providers have rolled out patches to their infrastructures, other users can also mitigate the cross-thread leakage by disabling Intel hyper-threading for systems where security is more important.

Furthermore, neither Intel nor the researchers have released exploit code, which indicates thereโ€™s no direct and immediate threat.

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