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threatpostRyan NaraineTHREATPOST:71306CBCE3707A1326AD364F2DD140E5
HistoryJun 09, 2009 - 9:54 p.m.

Adobe slaps band-aid on 13 security holes

Ryan Naraine





Adobe has issued its first ever scheduled quarterly update for its Reader/Acrobat product line, a bumber patch to cover 13 serious security vulnerabilities.

The patches, which follow Microsoft’s release of fixes for 31 Windows, IE and Office flaws, address “critical vulnerabilities” in Adobe Reader 9.1.1 and Acrobat 9.1.1 and earlier versions. “These vulnerabilities would cause the application to crash and could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system,” Adobe warned in an advisory.

Some raw details:

  • This update resolves a stack overflow vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1855).
  • This update resolves an integer overflow that leads to a Denial of Service (DoS); arbitrary code execution has not been demonstrated, but may be possible (CVE-2009-1856).
  • This update resolves a memory corruption vulnerability that leads to a Denial of Service (DoS); arbitrary code execution has not been demonstrated, but may be possible (CVE-2009-1857).
  • This update resolves a memory corruption vulnerability in the JBIG2 filter that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1858).
  • This update resolves a memory corruption vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1859).
  • This update resolves a memory corruption vulnerability in the JBIG2 filter that leads to a Denial of Service (DoS); arbitrary code execution has not been demonstrated, but may be possible (CVE-2009-0198).
  • This update resolves multiple heap overflow vulnerabilities in the JBIG2 filter that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-0509, CVE-2009-0510, CVE-2009-0511, CVE-2009-0512, CVE-2009-0888, CVE-2009-0889).
  • This update resolves multiple heap overflow vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1861).

Adobe also said the patch resolves several internally discovered issues, meaning there are silent fixes that are not being publicly documented.

The patches apply only to Windows and Mac users. The compnay said updates for Adobe Reader on the UNIX platform will be available on June 16, 2009.