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threatpostPaul RobertsTHREATPOST:EF28A4B30CFA04F7532F7F71060964A1
HistoryFeb 07, 2011 - 7:09 p.m.

Google Funds Web Anti Malware Startup Dasient

Paul Roberts

Google Ventures, the venture capital arm of Google Inc., has invested in anti malware firm Dasient, according to a statement from the company on Monday.

Based in Sunnyvale, California, Dasient sells a Web anti malware technology and has deep ties to Google. Co-founders Neil Daswani and Shariq Rizvi both worked for the search giant. Dasient said that it will use Googleโ€™s investment โ€“ which the company declined to disclose โ€“ to expand research and development as well as sales and marketing.

The security of Web sites has been a sore spot for consumers and corporations alike, which rely on the smooth flow of Web content. Dasientโ€™s technology can spot and profile malicious code being hosted from both legitimate and hostile Web domains. The company offers both free and premium services including Web site blacklisting and alerting around suspicious Web sites, as well as Web site monitoring, malware quarantining and diagnostics for paying customers.

Previously, Dasient has raised $2m from an assortment of venture firms and angel investors, including Maples Investment, Radar Partners, Stratton Sclavos, and Eric Benhamou.

Dasient claimed that 2010 was a strong year, with double digit sales growth to financial, media, and e-commerce firms. The company said it blocked malware on 1.2 million Web sites. It also introduced a product aimed at helping Web publishers and online ad networks spot malicious ads that are being served from their network.