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veracodeVeracode Vulnerability DatabaseVERACODE:14075
HistoryMay 02, 2019 - 4:44 a.m.

Arbitrary Code Execution

Veracode Vulnerability Database

0.084 Low




Red Hat Subscription Asset Manager acts as a proxy for handling subscription information and software updates on client machines. The latest packages for Subscription Asset Manager include a number of security fixes: When a Subscription Asset Manager instance is created, its configuration script automatically creates an RPM of the internal subscription service CA certificate. However, this RPM incorrectly created the CA certificate with file permissions of 0666. This allowed other users on a client system to modify the CA certificate used to trust the remote subscription server. All administrators are advised to update and deploy the subscription service certificate on all systems which use Subscription Asset Manager as their subscription service. This procedure is described in: (CVE-2012-6116) Manifest signature checking was not implemented for early versions of Subscription Asset Manager. This meant that a malicious user could edit a manifest file, insert arbitrary data, and successfully upload the edited manifest file into the Subscription Asset Manager server. (CVE-2012-6119) Ruby’s documentation generator had a flaw in the way it generated HTML documentation. When a Ruby application exposed its documentation on a network (such as a web page), an attacker could use a specially- crafted URL to open an arbitrary web script or to execute HTML code within the application’s user session. (CVE-2013-0256) A timing attack flaw was found in the way rubygem-rack and ruby193-rubygem-rack processed HMAC digests in cookies. This flaw could aid an attacker using forged digital signatures to bypass authentication checks. (CVE-2013-0263) A flaw in rubygem-json allowed remote attacks by creating different types of malicious objects. For example, it could initiate a denial of service (DoS) attack through resource consumption by using a JSON document to create arbitrary Ruby symbols, which were never garbage collected. It could also be exploited to create internal objects which could allow a SQL injection attack. (CVE-2013-0269) A flaw in ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails allowed remote attackers to circumvent attribute protections and to insert their own crafted requests to change protected attribute values. (CVE-2013-0276) HTML markup was not properly escaped when filling in the username field in the Notifications form of the Subscription Asset Manager UI. This meant that HTML code used in the value was then applied in the UI page when the entry was viewed. This could have allowed malicious HTML code to be entered. The field value is now validated and any HTML tags are escaped. (CVE-2013-1823) These updated packages also include bug fixes and enhancements: * Previously, no SELinux policy for the subscription service was included with the Subscription Asset Manager packages. The candlepin-selinux package is now included with SELinux policies for the subscription server. (BZ#906901) * When attempting to use the subscription service’s CA certificate to validate a manifest during import, the comparison failed. The upstream subscription service which generated the manifest is a different service than the local subscription service; thus, they have different CA certificates. This caused importing a manifest to fail with the error ‘archive failed signature’. This has been fixed so that the proper certificate is used for verification. (BZ#918778) All users of Subscription Asset Manager are recommended to update to the latest packages.