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wpvulndbRamuel GallWPVDB-ID:70DDB3FD-D819-4D85-9F8B-1451A3E3E5A6
HistoryApr 15, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Clever Addons for Elementor < 2.1.0 - Contributor+ Stored XSS

Ramuel Gall

0.001 Low




The “Clever Addons for Elementor” WordPress Plugin ( before 2.1.0 has several widgets that are vulnerable to stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) by lower-privileged users such as contributors, all via a similar method. The “Banner” widget accepts a “title_tag” parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible to send a ‘save_builder’ request containing JavaScript in this parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed. The “Multi Banner” widget accepts a “title_tag” parameter. Although the element control lists a fixed set of possible html tags, it is possible to send a ‘save_builder’ request containing JavaScript in this parameter, which is not filtered and is output without escaping. This JavaScript will then be executed when the saved page is viewed or previewed. Additionally the “animated headlines” widget does this with the “heading_tag”, though this widget does not appear to be functional in the free version of the plugin. This is nearly identical to the recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Elementor and various Elementor Addon plugins and we reported it to the WordPress plugin repository, though it was not mentioned in our original article as it had not yet been patched at the time.


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