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zdiDiscovered by: Claroty Research - Vera Mens, Noam Moshe, Uri Katz, Sharon BrizinovZDI-23-1053
HistoryAug 09, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Western Digital MyCloud PR4100 REST SDK Use of Potentially Dangerous Function Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Discovered by: Claroty Research - Vera Mens, Noam Moshe, Uri Katz, Sharon Brizinov
western digital
mycloud pr4100
remote code execution

This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of the Western Digital MyCloud PR4100 NAS device. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the REST SDK. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before passing it to the β€œcall_user_function” inbuilt function. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of root.