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zdtArmin Stock1337DAY-ID-38167
HistoryJan 22, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

OpenText Extended ECM 22.3 cs.exe Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Armin Stock
opentext extended ecm
remote code execution





               title: Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in cs.exe
             product: OpenText™ Content Server component of OpenText™ Extended ECM
  vulnerable version: 20.4 - 22.3
       fixed version: 22.4
          CVE number: CVE-2022-45923
              impact: Critical
               found: 2022-09-16
                  by: Armin Stock (Atos)
                      SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

                      An integrated part of SEC Consult, an Atos company
                      Europe | Asia | North America



Vendor description:
"OpenText™ Extended ECM is an enterprise CMS platform that securely governs the
information lifecycle by integrating with leading enterprise applications, such
as SAP®, Microsoft® 365, Salesforce and SAP SuccessFactors®. Bringing content
and processes together, Extended ECM provides access to information when and
where it’s needed, improves decision-making and drives operational effectiveness."


Business recommendation:
The vendor provides a patch which should be installed immediately.

Vulnerability overview/description:
1) Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in cs.exe (CVE-2022-45923)
The `Common Gateway Interface (CGI)` program `cs.exe` of the `Content Server`
has a vulnerability, which allows an attacker to increase/decrease an arbitrary
memory address by 1 and to trigger a call to a method of a `vftable` with a
`vftable pointer` value chosen by the attacker.

The `cs.exe` does de-serialize (crack) the user provided data in the `_fInArgs`
parameter, if the parameter `_ApiName` is set. During this de-serialization to
a `class KOSValue` object, the function `obj_ref_cracker` can be called. This
function tries to create a new `class KOSValue` object with an unknown class ID
of `3`.

As the class ID is unknown the function returns an object of type
`KOSValueBaseClass` instead of `KOSObjRefClass`, but the value of the
`class_ptr` attribute of the new `class KOSValue` object is controlled by the
attacker. This new object can then be used to increase/decrease arbitrary
memory addresses and call methods of its `vftable` via the functions
`KOSValueBaseClass::AddReference` and `KOSValueBaseClass::ReleaseReference`.

Proof of concept:
1) Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in cs.exe (CVE-2022-45923)
The following request crashes the `CGI` binary `cs.exe` with an `access
violation exception - 0xC0000005` trying to read memory from address

[ PoC removed, will be published at a later date ]

There are `.dll` files (`libaprutil-1` & `libapriconv-1.dll`) which are not
compiled with the security flag `Address Space Layout Randomization - ASLR`
enabled, which can be used to achieve remote code execution.

.\winchecksec.exe --json (get-item C:\OPENTEXT-22\cgi\*.dll) > .\checksec-results.json

cat checksec-results.json | jq -r '.[] | [.path, .mitigations.aslr.presence] | @csv'


Vulnerable / tested versions:
The following version has been tested:
* 22.1 (

The following versions are vulnerable according to the vendor:
* 20.4 - 22.3

Vendor contact timeline:
2022-10-07: Vendor contacted via [email protected]
2022-10-07: Vendor acknowledged the email and is reviewing the reports
2022-11-18: Vendor confirms all vulnerabilities and is working on a patch aimed to
             be released in November
2022-11-24: Vendor delays the patch "few days/weeks into December"
2022-11-25: Requesting CVE numbers (Mitre)
2022-12-15: Vendor delays the patch and provides a release date: January 16th 2023
2023-01-17: Public release of security advisory

Upgrade to at least version 22.4 or apply hotfixes which can be downloaded at
the vendor's page:





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