">seamonkey: Update to Mozilla Seamonkey 2.3 (important) - vulnerability database | Vulners.com">">">
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HistoryAug 26, 2011 - 8:08 p.m.

seamonkey: Update to Mozilla Seamonkey 2.3 (important)


0.8 High




Mozilla Seamonkey suite was updated to version 2.3.

The update fixes bugs and security issues. Following
security issues were fixed:
<a href=โ€œโ€></a>
ml Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2011-33 (MFSA
2011-33) Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2011-33

  • Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:4.0) Mozilla
    identified and fixed several memory safety bugs in the
    browser engine used in SeaMonkey 2.2 and other
    Mozilla-based products. Some of these bugs showed
    evidence of memory corruption under certain
    circumstances, and we presume that with enough effort at
    least some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary

Aral Yaman reported a WebGL crash which affected
SeaMonkey 2.2. (CVE-2011-2989)

Vivekanand Bolajwar reported a JavaScript crash which
affected SeaMonkey 2.2. (CVE-2011-2991)

Bert Hubert and Theo Snelleman of Fox-IT reported a crash
in the Ogg reader which affected SeaMonkey 2.2.

Mozilla developers and community members Robert Kaiser,
Jesse Ruderman, moz_bug_r_a4, Mardeg, Gary Kwong, Christoph
Diehl, Martijn Wargers, Travis Emmitt, Bob Clary and
Jonathan Watt reported memory safety issues which affected
SeaMonkey 2.2. (CVE-2011-2985)

  • Unsigned scripts can call script inside signed JAR

Rafael Gieschke reported that unsigned JavaScript could
call into script inside a signed JAR thereby inheriting the
identity of the site that signed the JAR as well as any
permissions that a user had granted the signed JAR.

  • String crash using WebGL shaders

Michael Jordon of Context IS reported that an overly long
shader program could cause a buffer overrun and crash in a
string class used to store the shader source code.

  • Heap overflow in ANGLE library

Michael Jordon of Context IS reported a potentially
exploitable heap overflow in the ANGLE library used by
Mozillaโ€™s WebGL implementation. (CVE-2011-2987)

  • Crash in SVGTextElement.getCharNumAtPosition()

Security researcher regenrecht reported via
TippingPointโ€™s Zero Day Initiative that a SVG text
manipulation routine contained a dangling pointer
vulnerability. (CVE-2011-0084)

  • Credential leakage using Content Security Policy reports

Mike Cardwell reported that Content Security Policy
violation reports failed to strip out proxy authorization
credentials from the list of request headers. Daniel Veditz
reported that redirecting to a website with Content
Security Policy resulted in the incorrect resolution of
hosts in the constructed policy. (CVE-2011-2990)

  • Cross-origin data theft using canvas and Windows D2D

nasalislarvatus3000 reported that when using Windows D2D
hardware acceleration, image data from one domain could be
inserted into a canvas and read by a different domain.